Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fake meat

This morning, I witnessed somebody in my office attempt to decide which he should eat, a cheese sanwich, or a sandwich with fake salami. I thought this was an interesting topic and asked how one can eat fake salami. He then replied that he doesnt see it as fake meat, he sees it as a whole other species of food. This situation comes up often in the Kosher keeping world, as people decide when they are eating kosher cheeseburgers, and they try to decide if they will have soy cheese and real meat, or fake meat and real cheese. Personally, I eat a certain type of fake bacon. I have never had real bacon before, so to me, fake bacon might as well be real bacon. This philosophy slightly resembles my co workers ability to eat fake meat because we all have keep a certain mind set when eating our respective fake meat meals.

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